Cientistas convocam para uma Ação de Saúde Pública tendo como modelo o uso do Hormônio-Vitamina D





Sobre o assunto, assista também: Vitamina D3 – 10.000 UI diárias é vital para à saúde

Scientists’ Call to D*action
The Vitamin D Deficiency Epidemic

vita d1

40-75% of the world’s population is vitamin D deficient.

The causal link between severe vitamin D deficiency and rickets or the bone disease of osteomalacia is overwhelming, while the link between vitamin D insuffiency and osteoporosis with associated decreased muscle strength and increased risk of falls in osteoporotic humans is well documented by evidencebased intervention studies.

There are newly appreciated associations between vitamin D insufficiency and many other diseases, including tuberculosis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, type-1 diabetes, high blood pressure, increased heart failure, myopathy, breast and other cancers which are believed to be linked to the non-calcemic actions of the parent vitamin D and its daughter steroid hormone. Based on the evidence we now have at hand, action is urgent.

It is projected that the incidence of many of these diseases could be reduced by 20%-50% or more, if the occurrence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency were eradicated by increasing vitamin D intakes through increased UVB exposure, fortified foods or supplements. The appropriate intake of vitamin D required to effect a significant disease reduction depends on the individual’s age, race, lifestyle, and latitude of residence. The latest Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, 2010, indicates 10,000 IU/day is considered the NOAEL (no observed adverse effect level). 4000 IU/day can be considered a safe upper intake level for adults aged 19 and older.

It is well documented that the darker the skin, the greater the probability of a vitamin D deficiency. Even in southern climates, 55% of African Americans and 22% of Caucasians are deficient.

More than 1 billion people worldwide are affected at a tremendous cost to society.

A Scientists’ Call to Action has been issued to alert the public to the importance to have vitamin D serum levels between 40 and 60 nanograms/milliliter (100-150 nanomoles/liter) to prevent these diseases. Implementing this level is safe and inexpensive.

The benefit of an adequate vitamin D level to each individual will be better overall health and a reduction in illnesses and, ultimately, a significant reduction in health care costs. The benefit of adequate vitamin D levels to society/businesses is a more productive workforce and, lower health care costs.

The D*action project has as its purpose to serve as a model for public health action on vitamin D. It is a test bed for techniques, and for providing outcome evaluation at a community level.

UN: discussion about maternal health


While world leaders are meeting at the United Nations this week to discuss progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), Chris Smith, member of the American Congress, explains in the Washington Post that a strong reduction in infant and maternal mortality remains very uncertain if the Obama administration “either directly or covertly” integrates abortion into the final document.

He recalls that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “has said publicly that she believes access to abortion is part of maternal and reproductive health, thinking that runs contrary to the understanding of the more than 125 UN member states that prohibit or otherwise restrict abortion in their sovereign laws and constitutions.” For Chris Smith, reducing maternal and infant mortality are the two most realisable objectives today, but they would be compromised if the UN summit is influenced by the demands of pro-abortion activists.

To achieve Millennium Development Goal No. 4, which is to reduce infant mortality rates by two thirds from 1990 figures, Chris Smith explains that numerous cost-effective actions must be expanded, notably “treatment and prevention of disease, as well as greater access to adequate food and nutrition, clean water, childhood vaccinations, oral rehydration packets, antibiotics, and drugs to inhibit mother-to-child HIV transmission”. He adds that there is an immediate need for care of unborn children to optimise their health before and after birth, good health starting in the womb. Chris Smith recalls that abortion is by definition the death of a child and as such compromises Goal No. 4. In addition, it is heavy in negative consequences for the health of women, affecting them emotionally and psychologically.

Goal No. 5, the reduction in maternal mortality by 75% from 1990 figures, can be achieved by “skilled attendance at birth, treatment to stop hemorrhages, access to safe blood, emergency obstetric care, antibiotics, repair of fistulas, adequate nutrition, and pre- and post-natal care”.

Chris Smith quotes a study* that appeared in April 2010 in the British journal The Lancet and was financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which reports a global decline of 35% in maternal mortality, which went from 526 300 in 1980 to 342 900 in 2008. These figures confirm those of the World Health Organisation report entitled “Trends in maternal mortality” made public on 15 September 2010. Chris Smith stresses that “contrary to prevailing myths, the study underscored that many nations that have laws prohibiting abortion also have some of the lowest maternal mortality rates in the world – Ireland, Chile and Poland among them”. LifeNews adds The Lancet researchers were surprised to discover that three of the richest countries of the world had rising figures of maternal mortality: the United States, Canada and Norway, which have liberal laws on abortion.

* The Lancet, “Maternal mortality for 181 countries, 1980—2008: a systematic analysis of progress towards Millennium Development Goal 5”, Margaret C Hogan MSc, Kyle J Foreman AB, Mohsen Naghavi MD, Stephanie Y Ahn BA, Mengru Wang BA, Susanna M Makela BS, Prof Alan D Lopez PhD, Prof Rafael Lozano MD, Prof Christopher JL Murray MD

Washington Post (Chris Smith) 19/09/10 – Medical News Today 21/09/10 – Lifenews (Steven Ertelt) 15/09/10 – 15/09/10
