Baixos níveis do hormônio-vitamina D relacionados com dor de cabeça – Low vitamin D linked to headache


10 January 2013

Non-migraine headache is associated with vitamin D deficiency, according to researchers in Norway.


Marie Kjaergaard, MD, and colleagues of the University Hospital of North Norway found that incidence of headache was 20% higher in participants with lower vitamin D blood levels than in those with the highest levels.

“High prevalence of headache has been associated with high latitude, thus suggesting a relation with vitamin D,” The authors explain. Before the study, no research had looked at a possible link between vitamin D status and headache.

The researchers performed a cross-sectional study based on questionnaires from 11,614 participants. They found that non-migraine headache was associated with low vitamin D blood levels as compared to participants with the highest serum vitamin D. The authors found no association between vitamin D and migraine headache. They conclude,

I've had a migraine/headache for 6 days straig...

“Although adjustments were done for possible confounders, this finding may still reflect lifestyle rather than causality, and further studies are needed to investigate this.”


Kjaergaard M, et al. Association between headache and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D; the Tromso Study: Tromso 6. Headache. Dec 2012.

Harrison P. Low vitamin D linked to headache. Medscape Today. Jan 8, 2013.

3 Respostas to “Baixos níveis do hormônio-vitamina D relacionados com dor de cabeça – Low vitamin D linked to headache”

  1. A prescrição diária de 10.000 UIs de Vitamina D representaria para a indústria farmacêutica uma perda de 40% de uma receita de trilhões de dólares « Objeto Dignidade Says:

    […] ·         Baixos níveis do hormônio-vitamina D relacionados com dor de cabeça – Low vitamin D linked to h…( […]

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